Spiritual Direction
Spiritual Direction
Spiritual Direction

Helen Bennett (she/her) is a Spiritual Director and is welcoming new directees.

Helen works with individuals wrestling with big questions who may be in the midst of a change, questioning what is sacred, seeking belonging, exploring emerging identities, challenged by burn out, and more.

Helen is a movement leader, was trained as a non-denominational spiritual director at Still Harbor, and comes from a progressive Jewish background. She works with people from all religious and non-religious paths and brings her experience as a ritual facilitator, social movement chaplain, community organizer, and peer counselor to her work accompanying people on their journeys. Most recently Helen has offered Community Care Hours as a Movement Chaplain through the Faith Matters Network, a powerful womanist-led organization.

Helen is based in Massachusetts though is currently holding sessions via video or phone. Sessions are generally 50 minutes, once per month. Helen offers spiritual direction on a sliding scale $36-$180.

Contact Helen to explore this possibility through the Contact page.